For more information contact:
Stacey McEvoy- Communications Manager
Madison Area YMCA
973-822-9622 x2241
Email: smcevoy@madisonymca.org
For Immediate Release through June 22
Best Summer Ever: Summer Camp 2015 at the Madison Area YMCA!
(Madison, NJ) February 6, 2015 – Best Summer Ever!! The Madison Area YMCA’s registration for full-day and half-day summer camps is underway at the Family Center, located at 111 Kings Road and the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center located at 54 East Street, both in Madison. All camps start Monday, June 22. Camp is not in session on July 3 and August 28.
Camp Wantago for preschoolers through 3rd graders is held at the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ten weekly sessions are offered from June 22 through August 27. Camp Wantago offers weekly field trips, games, and time for learning and building friendships. Twice a week, campers will head over to the Family Center for swim time supervised by trained lifeguards and instructors. Each week features a new theme with an emphasis on S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). The weekly themes are listed in the order that they take place: A Taste of Summer; Goin’ Green; Space is the Place; Bugging Out; Camp Wantago’s Got Talent; Holiday Hullabaloo; Artful Antics; Super Science; Time Travel; Kirby Contractors. A nutritious lunch and snack are provided for all campers as well as breakfast for children arriving before 8:30 a.m. Free Before-Care from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and free After-Care from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. is included. Extended care is available until 6:45 p.m. for an additional fee.
Little Bit of Wantago, a half-day program for children ages 3 (by May 2015) through age 5 (entering kindergarten), is for the youngest campers who are not ready for a full day of camp. Nine weekly sessions are offered Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. starting June 21 through August 21 at the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center. Each week features a new theme with an emphasis on S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). The weekly themes are listed in the order that they take place: A Taste of Summer; Goin’ Green; Space is the Place; Bugging Out; Camp Wantago’s Got Talent; Holiday Hullabaloo; Artful Antics; Super Science; Time Travel; Kirby Contractors. A nutritious lunch is provided daily for all campers. Each week includes a field trip and twice weekly instructional swim. With an emphasis on fun and learning in this shorter day program, children are sure to have a great time. All children must be reliably toilet-trained. Before- and After-Care is not available for Little Bit of Wantago.
Camp KidsQuest has been upgraded to offer campers the most well-rounded and day camp experience ever! Camp KidsQuest has full-day and half-day options available. Full-day Camp KidsQuest for children grades 3 to 5 is Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Campers take a field trip every Friday to a different local attraction. Ten weekly sessions are offered from June 22 through August 27.
Half-day campers in grades 3 to 5 can participate Monday through Thursday only. Morning Round Up, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Mon.-Thurs.) is designed for families with busy afternoon schedules and commitments. Afternoon Adventures, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Mon.-Thurs.) is perfect for families with morning commitments and activities. Half-day campers will join in full-day campers’ activities during this time period. The half-day program, like the full-day program, is held at the Family Center. Nine weekly sessions are offered from June 22 through August 14.
Campers acquire independence, leadership skills and team skills by choosing their own activities that include gymnastics, instructional swim, open swim, sports, arts & crafts and cooking. Days also include a campfire and camp-wide games. Lunch and a rest period at noon will prepare campers for action-packed afternoons that include group activities and free play. Lunch, snacks, free Before-Care from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and free After-Care from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. are provided.
Camp SummerQuest is a daily travel camp held Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for teens and pre-teens entering grades 6 through10. Ten weekly sessions are offered from June 22 through August 27. SummerQuest is celebrating 10 years taking teens out on adventures around the Garden State and helping them achieve new goals, form friendships and have a sense of belonging. Summer Quest offers different weekly themes which include: Camp vs. Wild Week; Boots and Backpacks Week; Beach Week; Paddle Week; Empire State Week; Best of NJ Week; Ook’s Color Challenge Week; Happy Birthday Ook. Based on the core values of the YMCA, Camp SummerQuest provides opportunities for growth, adventure and leadership. Most weeks include an overnight stay at NJ State Park or at the Family Center where campers can learn new skills, explore and grow. Campers are dropped off at the Madison Area YMCA Family Center and the Y staff provides transportation for campers to activities and back to the Family Center. Free Before Care from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and free After Care from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. is included.
The Counselor in Training (CIT) program gives teens entering grades 9 to 11 hands-on experience working directly with campers and staff in Camp KidsQuest at the Family Center. Specialized training, dedicated staff, service projects and leadership opportunities will help teens grow and provide them with experience to work as a camp counselor in the future. Four 2-week sessions are offered from June 22 to August 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch included every day.
Registration forms for all camps are available at the Family Center and the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center or can be printed from the website www.madisonareaymca.org/camp. Register in person at the Family Center or Kirby Center. Please note that payment for Camp Wantago and Little Bit of Wantago must be separate from Camp KidsQuest, SummerQuest and C.I.T. Registrations may be completed at either facility until June 5. After this date, campers must register at the home location of the camp. At the time of the registration, a $50 non-refundable deposit is required for each week of camp enrolled and camp deposits are non-refundable. All outstanding Madison Area YMCA membership and F.M Kirby Children’s Center fees must be paid in full to register.
Financial assistance is available for families in need. Please contact the Y’s office to request a financial assistance application. Last summer, the Madison Area YMCA awarded 246 weeks of summer camp to families who otherwise would not be able to attend camp.
For more information on the Madison Area YMCA’s summer camps and other programs and classes offered, please visit www.madisonareaymca.org.