For more information:
Madison Area YMCA
Marketing & Communications Department
973.822-9622 ext. 2241
For immediate release through February 28, 2015
We Love Books at the Madison Area YMCA
(Madison, NJ) February 6, 2015- The Madison Area YMCA is collecting book donations that will be used in our Camp Summer Readers’ Program. The Y’s Camp Kids Quest and Camp Summer Quest programs for 2nd to 8th graders includes 30 minutes of independent reading.
Books can be new or slightly used: chapter books, science books, comic books or funny books. As campers are at different reading levels, we request that donations appeal to children in grades 2-8.
Please drop off donations in the front lobby of the Family Center from February 1-28. Books that we cannot use will be donated to the F.M Kirby Children’s Center or to a library in need.
For more information, please contact Madison Area YMCA’s Youth and Teen Director, Emily Galbraith at egalbraith@madisonymca.org or 973-822-9622 x2265.