For more information contact:
Madison Area YMCA
973-822-9622 x2241
Email: smcevoy@madisonymca.org
For Immediate Release through April 27
Madison Downtown Scavenger Hunt a Great Success!
The Erezuma Family took 1st place at the First Annual Madison Downtown Scavenger Hunt. Left to right: Craig, Kyler, 13, Connor, 11, and Catherine.
(Madison, NJ) March 27, 2015- Twelve teams came out for a fun afternoon at the First Annual Downtown Madison Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, March 21.
The Downtown Development Commission (DDC) and the Madison Area YMCA hosted the event which supported the DDC’s programs for downtown Madison and benefited the Madison Area YMCA’s new Community Mental Health Initiative. The Y’s Community Mental Health Initiative focuses on reducing stigma associated with mental illness and addressing barriers to mental health care by increasing knowledge and equipping lay mental health supporters with skills to increase help-offering behaviors.
Awards were presented in several categories including 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, Best Team Name, Most Team Spirit, Best Team Uniform and more.
Madison merchants supported the event with donations of gift card and discounts. Downtown businesses that donated fabulous prizes: Beneath the Surface Day Spa, Beyond Bijoux, Blue Ridge Mountain Sports, Blue Wasabi, Casa Azzurri, Crowley Cupcakes, David’s Rumba Café, Doodlebugz, Drip, Cambridge Street Papers, Downtown Salon, Garlic Rose, Home Sweet Home, La La Land, Madison Mud, Madison Pet Shop, Madison Pharmacy, Madison PhotoPlus, McCool’s, Mor, Nautilus Diner, Plaza Lanes, Poor Herbie’s, Prospect Tavern, Romanelli’s, Rose City Nails, Seasons Gifts, Shanghai Jazz, Short Stories Community Book Hub, SKN Lab, Suburban, Takuma, Tons of Toys and Urban Fire. Many stores offered week-long discounts to all Scavenger Hunt participants that included Pink Bungalow, Statements and Blue Ridge Mountain Sports.