For more information:
Madison Area YMCA
Marketing & Communications Department
973.822-9622 ext. 2241
For immediate release thorough May 17
Children’s Swimathon Raises More Than $2,300 for Y’s Annual Campaign!
(Madison, NJ) April 17, 2015-
CAPTION- More than $2,300 was raised by Y swim class participants during a children’s swimathon to benefit the Madison Area YMCA’s Annual Campaign last month.
The Annual Campaign raises awareness and funds for the Madison Area YMCA’s financial assistance program that enables the participation of hundreds of children and families, who work or reside in Madison, Chatham and Florham Park, to participate in Y programs and services regardless of their abilities to pay. Support is provided based upon demonstrated need. All donations remain local.
Back Row L-R: Ui-Kem Serl, 11, of Madison; Emma Cone, 10, of Morristown; Nicholas Kartamyshev, 13, of Madison; Patricia Campbell, Aquatics Staff of Summit; Katherine Hay, Aquatics Staff of Chatham
Middle Row L-R: Diya Nandakumar, 6, of Chatham; Sasha Knoll, 10, of Madison; Charlotte Egan, 11, of Chatham; Lindsey Novak, 8, of Madison; Lucas Ha, 10, of Morristown; Logan Greenwood, 8, of Chatham
Front Row L-R: Saanvi Sureka, 6, of Madison; Amelia Burnett, 8, of Chatham; Porter Vogt, 9, of Chatham