For more information contact:
Madison Area YMCA
Marketing & Communications
973.822-9622 ext. 2241
For immediate release to run through the month of June 1
Paint For Our Cause a Great Success!
Photo Caption: Max Bauman, 8, of Madison carefully stamps his handprint on the Big Blue Track in the Madison Area YMCA’s Kids Central indoor playground with the assistance of Madison Area YMCA Member Services Director Natalie Merizio. Cans of paint for the two-day event in April was generously donated by Siperstein’s of North Plainfield.
(Madison, NJ) May 1, 2015 – Little hands made a big difference! 101 children visited the Madison Area YMCA’s Kids Central indoor playground to decorate the big blue track with their handprints. The children also received a certificate of appreciation for their beautiful handiwork and raised more than $1,900 for the Y’s 2015 Annual Campaign!
The Annual Campaign raises awareness and funds for the Y’s financial assistance program that enables the participation of hundreds of children and families, who work or reside in Madison, Chatham and Florham Park, to participate in Y programs and services regardless of their abilities to pay. Support is provided based upon demonstrated need. All donations remain local.
The Annual Campaign also helps the Y broaden its reach into initiating enriching community wellness and health-enhancing programs such as our cancer survivors’ program LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, the Community Mental Health Initiative, the Diabetes Prevention Program and Walk with Ease, our arthritis program.