If you’re passionate about the work of our organization, Investors Bank is making it easy for you to support us financially! We’re a member of Care2Share Affinity Program, an important addition to our fundraising efforts. Simply link your Investors Bank personal checking or savings account to our organization and the bank will automatically provide us with quarterly donations, based on the average account balances you maintain throughout the year.
Your involvement in Care2Share is absolutely FREE, and it’s a great way to support us financially or magnify your existing donation. To jump start the program, and for those who do not have an account with Investors, Investors will be offering a financial incentive to open an account. Once you are an account holder they will then offer you a further financial incentive to encourage others to open up an account.
Together we can help to make this a success and help others through the donations Care2Share generates!
Click here for more information on the Care2Share Affinity Program.
Click here for a linking form
To protect your privacy, Investors Bank will never divulge any specific information about your linked accounts (such as your name, the types of products you’ve linked, balance information, etc.).