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For immediate release through September 27, 2015
Madison Area YMCA Fall 2015 Open House Week:
Initiation fee waived! Member Referrals Earn Y Bucks!
(Madison, NJ) September 8, 2015 - The Family Center at the Madison Area YMCA will host its Fall Open House Week from Monday, September 21, through Sunday, September 27.
Fall Open House Week features a free trial membership for the week. Become a member during Open House Week and have your initiation fee waived!
Madison Area YMCA members who get a friend to join will earn $25 in Y Bucks. Members who get a family to join will earn $50 in Y Bucks. Y Bucks can be used toward YMCA programs or services such as fee-based classes, babysitting, personal training and nutrition counseling.
The trial membership includes unlimited use of the Fitness Center, open lap and family swimming, fitness classes, open gym and open play in Kids Central, the Y’s indoor playground and recreation area for children.
Sample adult fitness classes at the Family Center during Open House Week: A BodyPump™/BodyCombat™/CXWORX™ sample class will be offered 6:25 p.m.-7:15 p.m. on Monday, September 21, and 9 a.m.-10 a.m. on Tuesday, September 22. A Yoga/Pilates/Tai-Chi sample class will be offered 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 23, and 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m. on Thursday, September 24. Class descriptions follow:
The original LES MILLS™ barbell class, BODYPUMP™ will sculpt, tone and strengthen your entire body, fast! Great bodies aren’t born; they are transformed, using the proven BODYPUMP™ formula: THE REP EFFECT™ a breakthrough in resistance workout training. Focusing on low weight loads and high repetition movements, you will burn fat, gain strength and quickly produce lean body muscle conditioning. BODYPUMP™ is a great way to get in shape as it challenges all of your major muscle groups while you squat, press, lift and curl. This class is FREE to members.
The empowering cardio workout, BODYCOMBAT™ is fiercely energetic and is inspired by mixed martial arts. The class draws from a wide array of disciplines such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai. Experience the driving music and powerful role model instructors which make BODYCOMBAT™ the world’s most popular martial arts group fitness class. This class is FREE to members.
CXWORX™ Exercising muscles around the core, CXWORX™ provides the vital ingredient for a stronger body. A stronger core makes you better at all things you do, from everyday life to your favorite sports - it’s the glue that holds everything together. Benefits of CXWORX™; Stronger core in just 30 minutes, Learn how to activate the muscles responsible for optimal core control. This class is FREE to members.
T’ai Chi Ch’uan is an ancient system of self-defense. Practiced at a very slow pace, with control of one’s body as the goal, it offers many benefits to those who practice regularly. It will provide stress reduction, improve balance, enhance breathing efficiency, lower blood pressure, promote flexibility, decrease heart rate and improve blood circulation. This class is FREE to members.
VINYASA YOGA is a challenging, strength building, yet meditative yoga practice, which includes deep tissue stretching. This class is FREE to members.
FUNCTIONAL PILATES CLASS is widely recommended by doctors and physical therapists. Pilates can help you to counteract the physical maladies associated with injury. By strengthening underdeveloped muscles and learning to relax overused muscles, Pilates can help create decompression at the joint, allowing for more healthy movement, increased range of motion and improved strength and flexibility.
Please visit the Welcome Center or website for a list of free fee-based classes for all ages that are available to try during the Open House Week. Don’t miss the chance to start a lifestyle change or start having fun with friends and family.
For more information about membership or to view the full Open House Week schedule, visit the Y’s website at madisonareaymca.org.