For more information contact:
Madison Area YMCA
Marketing & Communications Department
973-822-9622 x2241
Email: smcevoy@madisonymca.org
For Immediate Release through November 9
Madison Area YMCA Celebrates
Members Who Have Enjoyed Y Membership for More Than 25 Years
CAPTION (L-R): Sandy Kolakowski of Madison, who is a member of the Madison Area YMCA since she was a child, shared her memories and memorabilia about the Y.
(Madison, NJ) October 9, 2015 – The Madison Area YMCA held a celebration at the Family Center for individuals who have been members of the Y for more than 25 years.
During the lovely evening, members told their Y stories and spent time with friends reminiscing about the Madison Area YMCA while enjoying refreshments and watching a slideshow that captured memorable Y moments throughout the years.
Sandy Kolakowski of Madison shared that she learned to swim at the Madison Area YMCA as a child and showed the Y swim manual from the 1960s. She proudly showed her treasured shark pin that she received when she progressed to the next swim level. She also treated the audience to her handmade Christmas tree that she made in an arts and crafts class almost 50 years ago.
Cathy Menendez of Chatham shared that she joined the Madison Area YMCA in 1977 with her family. She reminisced that her son took sports classes with the Y’s VP of Operations Bob Conley when Mr. Conley was the Y’s sports director. The tradition continues today with her granddaughters who take gymnastics classes and her grandson who takes swim classes.
The Y now has a new tradition and these members have a new Y memory—each person received a silver Madison Area YMCA membership card which is now given to individuals who have had their membership for 25 years or more. Guests also received a Y anniversary pin.
The Madison Area YMCA is a cause-driven charitable organization dedicated to strengthening community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.