For more information:
Madison Area YMCA
Marketing & Communications
973.822-9622 ext. 2241
For Immediate release through November 30
Be the Give This Thanksgiving
Madison, NJ (November 6, 2015) – Be the Give this Thanksgiving. The Madison Area YMCA Teen Leaders Club is collecting food for the Interfaith Food Pantry of Morris County from now through Sunday, November 30.
Donate more than 10 non-perishable food items the week of November 16, and your name will be entered to win a free quarterly membership to the Madison Area YMCA.
Please bring food donations to the Madison Area YMCA’s Family Center Lobby located at 111 Kings Road in Madison. The pantry is especially short on: Ensure®, beans, peanut butter, dry milk, shelf-stable Parmalat® (32 oz.), rice (1-2 lb. bags) and 100% juice (32 oz.)
For more information please email Teen and Youth Coordinator Chris Conley at cconley@madisonymca.org.