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Madison Area YMCA
Marketing & Communications Department
973.822.9622 ext. 2241
For Immediate Release through December 16, 2015
Open House for Full-Day Kindergarten
at the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center of the Madison Area YMCA
(Madison, NJ) December 10, 2015 – Kindergarten Open House at the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center of the Madison Area YMCA, located at 54 East Street in Madison, will take place 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 15, and Wednesday, December 16.
As the elementary curriculums in our excellent local schools become increasingly rigorous, foundations must be laid early to prepare children to tackle the more complex, integrated learning that will be expected. Children need solid academic preparation, yet they also need to build the emotional resilience and social awareness that allows them to handle new situations with maturity and confidence. Learning to problem solve, build STEM skills, think critically, appreciate art, play an instrument, design, speak a foreign language, develop physical strength and write thoughtfully are no longer optional – they are necessary and have a profound influence on a child’s future success.
Come to our Kindergarten Open House and find out why the full-day kindergarten program at the F.M. Kirby Children’s Center gives children the best possible preparation for school, and for life. District teachers regularly comment that Kirby kids consistently stand out and arrive at school ready to work and to learn. Give your child that advantage. Discover Kirby Kindergarten.
For families who require before- and after-school care, Kirby offers both early drop off at 7 a.m. and a Kindergarten Wraparound program until 3:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. that includes learning-based activities that blend creativity and independence which reinforces developmental skills. Extended care until 6:45 p.m. is also available.
For more information about Kindergarten Open House/enrollment for September or the Kindergarten Wraparound program, please contact Linda Bartek-Smith, Director of Childcare Services, at 973-377-4945 ext. 3226, or email LBartek-Smith@madisonymca.org. Visit madisonareaymca.org.