For more information contact:
Madison Area YMCA Marketing & Communications
973.822-9622 ext. 2241
For Immediate Release through December 20
Christmas Trees Still Available at the Madison Area YMCA Tree Lot
Caption: ‘Tis the season! Nicholas Malishchak and Nikolas Economy, both of Madison, help out at the Tree Lot during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
(Madison, NJ) December 14, 2015 - The Madison Area YMCA Christmas Tree Lot opens 3:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday through December 20, subject to supply.
Tree lot purchases support the mission of the Y to offer quality character-building programs and assists children and families who cannot afford membership to participate in programs and services regardless of their abilities to pay.
Fraser Fir, Douglas Fir, Balsam Fir, Spruce, and Noble Fir and Concolor Fir trees are available in a variety of sizes to fit any home. Trees are given a fresh cut and can be drilled to Stand Straight Tree Stands. Wreaths, roping and other miscellaneous holiday items are also for sale.
The Madison Area YMCA Christmas Tree Lot is located next to the Family Center toward the end of the main parking lot at 111 Kings Road in Madison. Volunteers and local students provide assistance with selection, wrapping and strapping of trees to cars. To volunteer at the tree lot, please contact Madison Area YMCA Volunteer Coordinator Melissa DeSalvo at 973-822-9622 ext. 2248 or mdesalvo@madisonymca.org.
As a cause-driven charitable organization, the Madison Area YMCA believes everyone, regardless of age, income or background, should have the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. For more information about financial assistance or to make a donation, please call 973-822-YMCA (9622) or visit us at madisonareaymca.org.