For more information contact:
Madison Area YMCA Marketing & Communications
973.822-9622 ext. 2241
For Immediate Release through February 14, 2016
Madison Area YMCA To Hold Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 14
(Madison, NJ) January 29, 2016 –
The Madison Area YMCA is holding its annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 14, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00.p.m. at the Family Center located at 111 Kings Road in Madison. Breakfast is free for members. Non-members are welcome for a suggested $5 donation per family. For more information, contact the Welcome Center at the Madison Area YMCA at 973-822-YMCA (9622) or visit www.madisonareaymca.org.
Enjoying pancakes at last year’s Madison Area YMCA Pancake Breakfast: Mary Magnier from Convent Station with her children (left to right) Declan, 3; Ginger,2; Mia, 6 and William, 5.